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What are veneers?

Veneers are designed to help your smile look its best. Veneers are shaped and custom-made in a dental laboratory. When bonded to your teeth, they can make your smile beautiful and flawless.

How can veneers help me?

Veneers can enhance your smile by:

Ok, so how does it work?

The procedure takes place over the course of two visits to the dental office. In the first visit, your teeth will be prepared to receive the veneers. They are lightly buffed and the surface is shaped to prepare for bonding and the additional thickness provided by the veneers. Molds (impressions) will also be taken to provide the custom fitting of the veneers to your teeth. The correct shade to match surrounding teeth will then be chosen by your dentist.

In the second dental visit, the veneers will be bonded to your teeth. It is important, after the procedure, to follow recommended care instructions given by your dentist. Maintaining proper dental hygiene (brushing, flossing, etc.) will support the life of your veneers.

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